Access Reports
Our Access Reports outline an assessment of the proposed development against each relevant clause of the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (the “Premises Standards”) and referenced Australian Standards (including AS 1428.1-2009, AS 1428.4.1-2009, and AS 2890.6-2009). If required, BCA Clarity can incorporate an assessment against the relevant council’s adaptable housing requirements (with reference to the council’s Development Control Plan (DCP) and AS 4299-1995) and/or the Livable Housing Design Guidelines in the Access Report. Throughout the Access Report process, BCA Clarity will identify any areas of non-compliance with the Premises Standards (and where requested, the relevant council’s DCP, AS 4299-1995, and the Livable Housing Design Guidelines) and assist in resolving these through design amendment or recommend seeking Performance Solutions.
We recommend that you engage BCA Clarity as early in the project design phase as possible to take full advantage of the Access Report process. However, the Access Report process will add value to your project no matter what stage you engage BCA Clarity to provide an Access Report.
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